Fade to Gray September 16, 2013 by Linda Gasparello 2 Comments They walk in line, trunk to tail, To their watering holes. Drink — Innocents drink the water. Then forty-one trumpets sound; Bellowing, they all fall down. The elephant's child is dead. Follow
Bob Hathaway says September 28, 2013 at 9:23 am So haunting. A shame to have to be written, a privilege to be able to share. Reply
Bob Hathaway says September 28, 2013 at 9:23 am So haunting. A shame to have to be written, a privilege to be able to share. Reply
So haunting. A shame to have to be written, a privilege to be able to share.
So haunting. A shame to have to be written, a privilege to be able to share.