Here is a partial list of academic, corporate and governmental entities Llewellyn King has addressed, and some of the topics of his speeches follow:
- Harvard University
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Yale University
- Stanford University
- George Washington University
- American University
- University of Florida
- Stevens Institute of Technology
- Wakefield School
- Bechtel
- Babcock & Wilcox
- Combustion Engineering
- General Electric
- General Atomics
- General Dynamics
- Westinghouse
- Planmetrics
- Bethlehem Steel
- United Technologies
- StatoilHydro, Oslo, Norway
- Carolina Power & Light
- Pacific Gas & Electric
- Salt River Project
- Lehman Brothers
- Salomon Brothers
- New York Society of Security Analysts
- Drexel Burnham Lambert
- CoBank
- American Machine and Foundry
- Tenaska
- U.S. Senate (testimony)
- U.S. House (testimony)
- U.S. Department of Energy, General Counsel’s Office
- National Laboratories: Lawrence Livermore, Sandia, Los Alamos, Idaho, Oak Ridge, Pacific Northwest
- Bonneville Power Administration
- Texas State Legislature
- Southern Governors Association
- Australian Parliament
- Singapore Energy Department
Trade Associations
- National Mining Association
- Edison Electric Institute
- American Gas Association
- Nuclear Energy Institute
- American Petroleum Institute
- American Public Power Association
- Large Public Power Council
- American Gas Association
- Natural Gas Supply Association
- National Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives
- American Council of Independent Laboratories
- Association of European Journalists
- American Newspaper Guild
- Specialized Information Publishers Association
- American Bakers Association
- Rotary Club
- Houston Chamber of Commerce
U.S. And World Conferences
- NATO, Brussels, Belgium
- The Business Council, New York, NY
- World Energy Council: Tokyo and London
- Detwiler Institute, Geneva, Switzerland
- The Uranium Institute, London
- Coaltrans, Hamburg, Germany
- The Atlantic Council, Washington, DC
- Alan Fried Associates, Washington, DC
- American Enterprise Institute, Washington, DC
- Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC
- Jacques Cousteau Society, Hampton, VA
- Aspen Institute, Aspen, CO and Wye River, MD
- Keystone Center, Keystone, CO
- Man and science
- Individual fulfillment, adventure therapy
- Global energy outlook, domestic energy outlook
- Commodities in crisis
- Understanding media
- The impact of technology on people
- Moving people: The transportation challenge